C# 7.0 introduced two literal improvements, a digit separator and a hex literal.
Digit Separator
The digit separator “_” can be used inside number literals now. The purpose of a digit separator is to improve readability, nothing more. The value of the variable is unaffected by this literal.
The following code snippet shows how to use the digit separator.
- var num = 1_000_000;
- var hex = 0xAB_CD_EF;
The value of the above variables are 1000000 and ABCDEF.
Binary Literal
C# supports hexadecimal literals by using 0x. As Vulpes wrote in his article, Simulating binary literals in C#, the C# versions prior to C# 7.0 did not support binary literals.
Now, in C# 7.0, you can define binary literals using 0b. The following code snippet uses 0b and _ literals.
- var bin = 0b1000_0100_0101_0110_0111_1011;
In this article, we learned about the literal improvements introduced in C# 7.0.
References used to write this article,