This article will cover the following.
- Brief concepts and prerequisites
- Implementation – Create a Scheduler Service and Jobs
- Implementation – Execute the Scheduler Service Job
Brief Concepts
What is Windows Azure Service Scheduler?
- It is a task scheduling service provided by Microsoft Azure.
- It can perform many actions regarding the job details in the Scheduler and can also check the Scheduler’s monitoring and management capabilities.
- It can maintain multiple job collections.
Read the following article to create an Azure account and to get some basic information about Azure to get started.
Implementation – Create a Scheduler Service and jobs
Steps to be followed.
- Open Azure portal and click on the "Add" button. Choose Scheduler under "Enterprise Integration" category and then, click on "Create".
- Fill in the details with the name and the creation of the new job, giving a totally new name to the job i.e. scheduler-job-13-08-17 here.
- Then, click on the Action Settings and configure it. There, mention the URL which will be used for GET request.
- Then, click on the Schedule and configure it by choosing ‘once’ or ‘recurring’.
- Once it is created, you can go there and see the stats shown there, as shown below.
Implementation – Execute the scheduler-service job
Steps to be followed.
- Go to the scheduler-service and click “Run now”.
- Then, we will hit the URL which we mentioned in the Action Settings, i.e.,
- Then, I can see the count has increased to one each time I hit the browser with the URL, i.e., the number of times scheduler job has been executed.
Happy Learning!