Canvas panel is most likely to resonate with application designers coming from a background in WinForms or its predecessors. The control itself isn’t particularly suited to the layout flexibility that is expected in Windows Store apps.
The Canvas element represents a Canvas Control in XAML.
- <Canvas ...>
- one Or More UI Elements
- </Canvas>
- -or-
- <Canvas .../>
In addition, provide Canvas.Left and Canvas.Top values for the x-coordinates and y-coordinates for laying out items on a canvas.
- <Canvas>
- <Button Content="Positioned at 75,20" Canvas.Left="75" Canvas.Top="40"/>
- </Canvas>
It is also possible to provide a Canvas.ZIndex value that determines how the items, positioned on the canvas, are overlaid relative to each other.
- <Canvas>
- <Button Content="Positioned at 75,20" Canvas.ZIndex ="30"/>
- </Canvas>
Now, let's get started with the following steps:
Step 1 - Create Windows Universal Project
Open Visual Studio 2015 and click File -> New -> Project Option for New Universal App.
Step 2 - Giving the Project NameThen, New Project Window will open. There, you can select Installed -> Template -> Visual C# -> Windows -> Universal and select a Blank App (Universal Windows).
Type Project Name as CanvasApp and click the OK button.
Step 3 - Setting the platform Versions
Here, we choose the Target Version and Minimum Version for our Universal Windows application. Click OK button.
Step 4 - Choose Designer Window
Now, go to the Solution Explorer and select MainPage.xaml.
Step 5 - Add the Coding
Now, add the following XAML code in MainPage.xaml.
- <Canvas>
- <Button Content="Positioned at 75,20" Canvas.Left="75" Canvas.Top="40"/>
- </Canvas>
Step 6 - Run the Application
Now, we are ready to run our Project. So, click Local Machine for running the application.
Conclusion - I hope you understood Canvas Control in Universal Window and how to run it.