JavaScript has bad reputation for its sloppiness,anything can happen in javascript. Lets see such an example.
What is boolean ?
Boolean() is a constructor function in javascript which can be used to make a boolean data type variable. It can be used either for making boolean data type variable or a boolean object depending upon the usage.
How a boolean false instance can behave like it is true?
Lets understand it by an example-
- var abc = new Boolean(false); //a boolean false is created
- if(abc) {
- console.log('JS is for SuperHumans!');
- } else {
- console.log('javascript is cool!');
- }
Output - JS is for SuperHumans!
Confused? Lets take another example-
- var efg = Boolean(false);
- if(efg) {
- console.log("Have you started thinking JS is cool?");
- } else {
- console.log("This cant be the output!");
- }
Output is – This cant be the output! Confused more? Good, because javascript is for superhumans!
When we use “new” keyword with any constructor in javascript (be it Number(),String() or any other) then a complex object is made instead of primitive value.
While creating an instance without using new keyword creates a primitive value.
While a complex object irrespective of the values of its properties(or even if it does not have any property) is truthy.
We can understand this by taking an example -
- var hij = new Boolean(false);
- var klm = Boolean(false);
- console.log(typeof hij);
- console.log(typeof klm);
output -
This holds not only for boolean but for every constructor except Object() itself.
So the lesson to learn here is never use “new” keyword while creating a primitive variable because it can cause trouble while using typeof operator or in case shown above.
Use either the constructor or true/false keywords itself. Like-
Well this is JavaScript one of the most sloppy language, accept this kind of behavior from it.
And stay tunned till i reveal more sloppiness of javaScript!