Automating Unit Testing - Overview [AutoTest.NET]

DevOps is a buzzword we hear often and it’s nothing but doing continuous integration for SDLC process through automation that helps to deliver application to market soon in a shorter period of time. Unit Testing is a part of development in SDLC process and the primary objective of unit testing is to identify code that you have written is working as expected.

AutoTest.Net is a visual studio add-in that helps to trigger unit testing for the only changed files as soon as its saved, instead running for all the files. This gives immediate feedback and helps facilitate real test driven development. It provides feedback that help to visualize the relations between methods and tests that call them. Annotations provided by them helps to see the level of risk of code immediately while coding.

Sample Report:


Supported Visual Studio Versions:

    - 2008
    - 2010
    - 2012

Supported Tools:

    - NUnit
    - XUnit
    - MSTest
    - MSpec
    - MbUnit

Please find the link for more information & instructions to integrate into your visual studio:

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