Azure 533 Exam Tips And Tricks

Many of my friends might be struggling with the exam 70-533 to pass it at one go. Here, I would like to give you a suggestion by which you will be able to pass the exam without any problem.
  1. Register yourself at with your Microsoft account and enroll yourself for Azure fundamentals course. It contains many basic videos which would be enough to get you to the comfort level to start off with the intermediate skill-set which is needed to understand 70-533 better.

  2. If you look at the pre-requisite for 70-533, Microsoft recommends that you should have a basic knowledge of Windows Server administration, Database, Networking fundamentals, and intermediate knowledge of Powershell scripting. It looks very complex to me when I come across this many things to learn but if you want to learn about the cloud, you should be aware of these basics first. 

  3. Now, what is needed to learn from Server perspective - Installation of Server 2012, Active directory installation, file sharing,  Networking basics, IP addressing and subnetting, Powershell scripting. It will take approximately seven dedicated days to acquire the knowledge from sources available on Google. Once you gain the knowledge, then go for the learning and attempt the exam 70-533.

  4. One more thing, please don't ever rely on the dumps. It will certainly not help you in passing the exam. Genuinely speaking, if you do the above things properly, it would be enough for you to pass the exam.

  5. Please give yourself a time of 1-2 months, practice properly, and then go for the exam.

  6. Recently, Azure has updated lots of documents on the website in regards to Powershell. You can refer  to those things for your reference.

  7. Before I conclude, I would like to say one thing. Learn and gain but don't go for any shortcut. This is an admin level exam where you will have to implement Infrastructure in the cloud. If you do not understand the on-premise infrastructure, then forget about the cloud part. Build your foundation from scratch, start studying with the basics that I have told you, and then start off with the study materials . 
Best of luck :) 
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