Comparing Phone Numbers in Different Formats

In every country phone numbers are represented in its own format. For example : In some country a phone number could be in (914) 575-4231 format whereas in another country the same number could be in 914-575-42131 format. So if we want to compare two numbers represented in different format, we could do this by removing their formatting and compare their actual value.

Here is the sample code:

using System;

using System.Collections;


class Program


    static void Main()


        string num1 = "800-555-1212"; // Format -1


        string num2 = "(800) 555 1212"; // Format -2


        if (FetchDigitsOnlyFromPhoneNumber(num1) ==



            Console.WriteLine("Number in both the formats are Equal !");




            Console.WriteLine("Unequal Numbers !");






    private static string FetchDigitsOnlyFromPhoneNumber(string formattedNumber)


        string actualNumber; 

        actualNumber = formattedNumber; 

        actualNumber = actualNumber.Replace("(", string.Empty);

        actualNumber = actualNumber.Replace(")", string.Empty);

        actualNumber = actualNumber.Replace("+", string.Empty);

        actualNumber = actualNumber.Replace("-", string.Empty);

        actualNumber = actualNumber.Replace(" ", string.Empty); //Blank

        actualNumber = actualNumber.Replace(".", string.Empty);


        return actualNumber;



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