Creating DataTable Objects

Here I have attached the source code of how to create Datatable objects and how to add datarow on that created datatable. For this I designed a form like the below screen shot.


  1. Create DataTable objects by declaring an instance of the DataTable object.
    Private DataTable CustomersTable = new DataTable(“Customers”);
  2. Then add the below code for create table button click event

    Like this you can add many columns to your table. Here I have created only two columns but you can create as per your requirement.
  3. Now after creating table we declared one column as primary key so here I am going declared CustomerID as primary key using this below code.
    DataColumn[] keyColumns = new DataColumn[1];
    CustomersTable.PrimaryKey = keyColumns;
  4. Because primary key in not null that's why we set CustomerID Columns to disallow Null values
    CustomersTable.Columns[“CustomerID”].AllowDBNull = false;
  5. Now click on Add row button and add the below code to button click event
    DataRow CustRow = CustomersTable.NewRow();
    Object[] CustRecord = {1,”Farukh”} ;
    CustRow.ItemArray = CustRecord;
  6. Run the application and click button create table …..on your gridview table will be created and after click on add row button the datarow will be created.
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