Date and Time controls in HTML5

There are several input type for date and time in HTML5. They are,

  • date Input Type: The date type is used for valid date entry by user. It checks for valid date entry by user. Its syntax is given below

                                    <input type="date">

Now we create a form with date input type by writing following code

<form method="post">
Date <input type="date"/>
<input type="submit" />

Then we run this code. The output will look like as below

date type

If user does date entry other YYYY/MM/DD format, then after Clicking submit button it shows message like as following figure

date type

  • time Input Type: The time input type is used for valid time entry. It accept input in 24-hour time format. Its syntax is given below                        

                                     <input type="time">

Now we create a form with time input type by writing following code

<form method="post">
Time <input type="time"/>
<input type="submit" />

Then we run this code. The output will look like as below

time type


If user does time entry other than HH:MM format,then after Clicking submit button it shows message like as following figure

time type


  •  datetime Input Type: The datetime input type is used to accept valid date time by user. Its syntax is given below

                                      <input type="datetime">

Now we create a form with datetime input type by writing following code

<form method="post">
Date Time <input type="datetime"/>
<input type="submit" />

Then we run this code. The output will look like as below

datetime type


  • week Input Type: The week input type is used for input entry for week. Its format is YYYY-WNo (No denotes week number). Its syntax is given below

                                        <input type="week">

Now we create a form with week input type by writing following code

<form method="post">
Week <input type="week"/>
<input type="submit" />

Then we run this code. The output will look like as below

week type 

  • month Input Type: The month type is used for input entry for month. Its format is YYYY-Month. Its syntax is given below

                                <input type="month">

We create a form with month input type by writing following code

<form method="post">
Month <input type="month"/>
<input type="submit" />

We run this code. The output will look like as below

month type                                    

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