Difference Between XHTML and HTML

HTML and XHTML are completely differ from each other in document structure,elements and attribute format.


->XHTML is proposed by W3C Recommendation in 2000.
->It is developed by W3C(World Wide Web Consortium).
->XHTML files are saved with .xhtml, .xht, .xml , .html and .htm extension.
->XHTML is an XML application.


<title>This is an XHTML page </title>
<p> This is my  first XHTML page </p>

 As shown in above example, there is both tag ie. starting tag as well as ending tag (ie <p> and </p>). That means it follow the all principles.


->HTML is proposed by Tin-Berners-Lee in 1987.
->HTML is developed by W3C and WHATWG.
->HTML files are saved with .html and .htm extension.
->HTML is an SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) application.


<title>This is an XHTML page </title>
<p> This is my  first XHTML page

 As shown in above example ,there is no ending tag ie </p> that mean it doesn't follow the rule. That's why we need the XHTML instead of HTML.

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