Display Look Up value SharePoint List Column in SharePoint 2013

 Let us discuss how to access  Look up values information about lists via PowerShell. In the SharePoint hierarchy, In laymen terms ,it is a referential integrity between the lists in SharePoint. We will create lookup columns, when we need to create relationship between two lists.
To create a relationship between two lists, in the source list, you create a lookup column that retrieves one or more values from a destination list.
In this blog, I have given the piece of code to retrieve the sharepoint look up columns.

spweb = Get-SPWeb "http://mysite
$list = $spweb.Lists["MyPortalList"]
$query = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery
$query.query ="<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='Type'/><Value Type='Lookup'>Technologies</Value></Eq></Whre>"
$items = $list.getItems($query)
$items | Format-Table -Property ID, Title, @{Label="Type";Expression={(new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValue($_["Type"])).LookupValue}}
Happy SharePointing :-) 
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