Features Of Angular

A List of features of Angular Js
  1. Data binding
  2. Directives
  3. Templates
  4. Services
  5. Filters
  6. Controllers
  7. Dependency Injection
  8. Validation
  9. Routing
  10. JQLite
  11. Factories
  12. Module
  13. $scope
Let's discuss all this one by one.

Data binding

Data binding in Angular JS is the synchronization between the model and the view.


Angular JS lets you extend HTML with new attributes called directives E.g. ng-app, ng-Init, ng-controller, ng-model etc.


Templates are the rendered views with information from the controller and model. These can be a single file like index.html or multiple views.


In AngularJs, a service is a function, or object, that is available for, and limited to, your AngularJs application. Angular js has about 30 built in services. One of them is $location service. The $location service has methods which return information about the location of the current web page.


Filters can be added in AngularJS to format data.Eg. currency, date,lowerCase, uppercase etc.


In Angular a controller is a JavaScript function. The job of the controller is to build a model for the view to display. The model is the data. In a real world application, the controller may call into a service to retrieve data from the database.

Dependency Injection

AngularJs has built-in dependency injection subsystem that helps the developer by making the application easier to develop, understand and test.


AngularJs helps to do client-side validations.


Routing is the best feature provided by AngularJS. Include Route to make your application SPA(Single page application)with no page reloading.


Angular doesn’t depend on jQuery. In fact, the Angular source contains an embedded lightweight alternative: jqLite.


Factories are used to create services. Using factory method we first define a factory and then assign method to it.


A module is a container for different parts of your application i.e controllers, services, directives, filters, etc.


$scope is a parameter that is passed to the controller function by the Angular framework. We attach the model to the $scope object, which will then be available in the view. Within the view, we can retrieve the data from the scope object and display.

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