How to add icon to your web page. (FAVICON)

To add an icon to your web pages you will need to have an icon to use or you create one using any of the following means:
  1. By using an Icon editor and saving the project with .ico extension.
  2. By using the image to icon converter that is available on

    * You will Browse for the image file to be used as the icon and the click Upload button.

     * You will need to download the icon by clicking on the download link.

    *Save the icon into a directory on your computer.

    *Then move the icon to any of the directory in your site directory.
  3. Before the end of the closing tag of your <head> tag, add this code:
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href=".../.../nameoficon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
    NB: The ... in the reference is the path to the directory where you save the icon in your site directory.

  4. Preview the page in the browser to see the result.

    Hope this is clear enough?

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