1. Firstly Download Python.
2. After Installation set the path in environment variable.
3. Go to the start and type “Environment” and choose the result.
4. After opening the Environment Variable window, click on New button.
5. Set variable name “PATH”.
6. Set Variable value “C:\Python33;C:\Python33\Scripts;”.
7. Python33 is a folder name which you can change according to your folder name is in C drive. Also while installation, it prompts you and ask where to install Python, so there you can choose the path according to your choice. But always Value “<path of folder>;<path of folder>\Scripts;
8. You can check whether python is working or not in your computer. For that, open command prompt and write “python”.
9. After installation of python, Click on windows button and search “Powershell”. Now press enter:
Write the code into PowerShell:
10. Wait until the processing is finished.
11. Now open command prompt and write “easy_install pip”, press enter and wait for all processes to finish.
12. Now again write the following code in command prompt: “pip install django” and wait for Django's intallation.
13. Then write again “Django-admin” for checking Django is working or not.
It means Django is working on Windows.
If you want to make web application using Django, follow the official site.
I hope this article will help you in understanding python framework Django.