I saw Bill Gates!!!

Here are a coupla things I found out about Mr. Gates. He watches 24 (the TV series), his hair was not combed when he came in (I just came out of bed not combed), he doesn't laugh out loud, he doesn't grin either. He simply smiles. Kinda confirms the fact that he is mildly autistic and that he is definitely a geek!!

He has a good sense of humor; when asked if he had a favorite product, he started out as saying "you know, I love all my children".

On other news; remember the two guys I told you about that were recording a session on the airplane, turns out they were both MVPs and one of them is called David McMohan. On Monday, as part of our MVP tour, Microsoft took us to the Museum of Flight and Dave, along with his friend Richard, took the opportunity to record a session with us (Loay, Moustafa, Hammad and I). Turns out Dave and Rich run a user group back in England, online at www.nxtgenug.net. You can the recorded podcast at http://www.nxtgenug.net/Podcasts.aspx?PodcastID=28. I start talking approximately 30 minutes in.

I know I sound awful, it's my first podcast, but I hope to improve my skills as I create more and more of them. :-)


Bashar Lulu
MVP - Visual Basic
INETA Country Leader - Gulf

Read my blog: http://basharlulu.blogspot.com
My website: www.basharlulu.net
My developer framework: www.jclframework.net

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