JavaScript for verify presence of Windows Media ActiveX

                   JavaScript for verify presence of   Windows Media ActiveX


Hi all,

    The following articles are to provide some basics ideas. By using it you can test for the presence of the     Windows Media ActiveX control with the following JavaScript:

 01 var player; 

02 var plugin;

03 var hasActiveX=false;

04 try {

05    if (window.ActiveXObject)

06      {

07        hasActiveX = true;

08        player = new ActiveXObject ("WMPlayer.OCX.7");

09      }

10      else if (window.GeckoActiveXObject)

11      {

12        hasActiveX = true;

13        player = new GeckoActiveXObject ("WMPlayer.OCX.7");

14      }

15    } catch (oError) { }

16 try {

17    if (navigator.mimeTypes)

18    {

19      plugin = navigator.mimeTypes ['application/x-mplayer2'].enabledPlugin;

20    }

21  }catch (oError) {}

22 var message = "Your browser "+ (hasActiveX ? "does" : " does not") +" support ActiveX. \n";

23 message +=  "The WMP ActiveX control is"+ (player ? "" : " not") +" installed. \n";

24 message += "The WMP Plugin "+ (plugin?”is" : "is not") +" installed. \n";

25 alert(message);                     



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