Linking to a mail System in HTML

Linking to a mail System in HTML

A mail System allows us to send and receive any number of e-mails. You can use the href attribute pf the A elementto set the Email address of a recipient, such as:

mailto: [email protected]

Let's create a web page named "mail.html" HTML file to understand this:


In this code we have created a hyperlink, by clicking on which we can go to the reference of local mail system using mailto keyword:


When we click on Email me hyperlink, we will directed to the reference mail message window:


This mail message window shown above allows us to send a mail to named recipient that we have mentioned in the code.


Here if we want to add CC, BCC, Subject and Body of the email the Let's try this Code :


Here we have specified the values of

Cc- [email protected]

Bcc- [email protected]

Subject- C# Corner Event

Body -


C# Corner Delhi Chapter Meet was on 20 July 2013.

Thanks and Regards

Now when we click on ‘Mail me' hyperlink oh mail2.html then Output will be:


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