Lock Statement In C# Language


Lock statement is very useful statement in c# language.  Lock statement hold the object  and then process to synchronization way. It is use to multi threads application. If current thread execute a lock of code then this code compile without interruption by another thread. The lock statement obtains a mutual exclusion lock for a given object so that one thread executes the code block at a time and exits the code block after releasing the lock.


using System;

using System.Threading;


namespace lock_statement_in_c_sharp


    class lock_class     //create class


        static readonly object obj = new object();  //create readonly object


        public static void display() //create function


            lock (obj)  //lock readonly object


                Thread.Sleep(400); //sleep 400 milliseconds





    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            ThreadStart str = new ThreadStart(lock_class.display); //create thread

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)


                new Thread(str).Start(); //display function call by the thread







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