Mute option announced by Twitter to keep annoying users quiet

The official twitter blog posted that the social network will be introducing a new feature that will allow user to remove another user’s tweets from their main feed.

With the help of this new feature “MUTE”, a user can remove all tweets and retweets from a specific user within their main timeline and can still continue to actively follow them on twitter. For Example, people who spam the feed with multiple posts within a short time frame can be muted using this feature.

The details suggests that push notifications from a muted user will no longer be received and guess what, the muted users will not come to know that they have been silenced, , beyond a noticing a drop in user activity within their own feed. However a muted user can still retweet, favorite or reply to your tweets and you would not be notified for the same.

To mute a particular user, click the gear icon and select the mute option. Users can also be muted directly from the timeline on the Web or the iOS and Android platforms. To mute someone within the feed, tap the more option and click the mute option.
Moreover muted user can easily be un-muted. To unmute a twitter user, visit the muted user’s profile on Twitter and Click the red mute icon to unmute.

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