.NET Framework Command Line Tools

Do you know where Microsoft Visual Studio command line tools or utilities are located on your local disk?

Well, they are typically present in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin folder (in case of Visual Studio 2008, and v7.0A in case of Visual Studio 2010). Many of these utilities are commonplace: gacutil, makecert, tlbimp, resgen and so forth.

If you haven't used them, you should be.

An easy way to invoke any command line tool from your current folder without specifying full path is to set the path environment variable to the appropriate path.

Eg:  At the command prompt, give

path =  %path%;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin;

Once that's done, next time you can directly call a command line tool (for example gacutil.exe) from anywhere.

Refer this MSDN article for a complete list of command line tools. You could even print it for handy reference.

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