New Interactive Elements in HTML5

New Interactive Elements in HTML5

HTML5 is the latest version of HTML, which was released in the end of 2009. HTML5 introduces a number of new elements and Attributes, Like AUDIO , VIDEO, and contentEditable, which allow you to create more interactive Web application and website. It includes new JavaScript APIs that allow you to perform various tasks such as drawing graphics on a webpage, storing data offline and dragging and dropping content.

New Elements in HTML5:

ARTICLE : Shows the independent entry of a blog or magazine.
AUDIO : Allows you to embed audio files in a web page.
ASIDE : Shows a note, a tip, a sidebar, a parenthetical mark.
BDI : Allows you to specify the non-left to right direction for asan text.
CANVAS: Provides a canvas on a webpage to draw graphics on it.
COMMAND: Stores a command to perform a task.
DATALIST : Shows a drop-down list.
DETAILS : Shows the details of an item besides its default information.
EMBED : Defines external interactive content or plugin-in
FIGCAPTION : Shows the caption of the FIGURE element.
FIGURE : Shows a group of Media elements.
FOOTER : Shows the footer of a page
HEADER : Shows the header of a page
HGROUP: Representing a group of headings in a document.
KEYGEN : A pair of Key for forms.
MARK: Shows highlighted text
MENU: Shows a menu bar on a web page.
METER: Displays the measurement of a number in a predefined range.
NAV : Shows a collection of links related to other Web pages.
OUTPUT: Specifies an element that is used to display output.
PROGRESS: shows the progress of an ongoing process
RP : Dictates the browsers to show the contest when they not support the RUBY element.
RT : Shows the details of ruby annotation
RUBY: Shows the characters that define ruby annotation.
SECTION: Shows a section or a part of a book
SOURCE : Represents a media resource.
SUMMERY : Shows the summery of a DETAILS element.
TIME: Shows the Date and Time in a webpage.
VIDEO: Allows you to embed video in a web page.
WBR: Defines a possible line break that can be inserted in a text

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