Overview of JavaScript

JavaScript is a client side scripting language basically used for validation. JavaScript at first used by netscape navigator. It is used to make well application fast. JavaScript is a case sensitive language.

JavaScript can be used in three ways

  1. Internal JavaScript
  2. Inline JavaScript
  3. External JavaScript

Syntax of JavaScript

<script language=” JavaScript”>


Document.write(); or

Data types in JavaScript

  1. String
  2. Number
  3. Boolean
  4. Array
  5. Object
  6. Null
  7. Undefined

Variables in JavaScript

JavaScript variable can be assign with var keyword or without var keyword.

Like- var x; or x;


Output : hello c# corner

Conditional statement


Switch statement

Looping in JavaScript


Array in JavaScript

Output : 10,c#corner,10.50,true,sanjay


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