Performance Hit When Debugging WPF Application in Visual Studio

This whole thing happened when I had to debug a simple WPF Application and I noticed a decoy of performance lag inside the Visual Studio. The performance lag was such, I had to wait for some considerable seconds, for each line to be processed inside the IDE. Initially, I thought it to be another VS issue but I found out soon that the issue is something else, because rebooting my workstation didn’t help. ‘Binging’ later did help me to come around the issue and I am trying to cover the same in this Blog Post.
Root Cause
If you are here, you sure ought to be a .NET Developer or an Enthusiast at least, so i am assuming that you know that Microsoft ships only 32-bit versions of the Visual Studio, up till this date, but this doesn’t restrict one from developing 64-bit applications. Now, when you deploy a 64-bit application, Visual Studio uses a Remote Debugger (Say an Emulator) to help you with this. However, if you are not concentrating on a 64-bit development, then you can change your project settings to x86 for a better debugging experience.
Observe the Task Manager and view the Resources being handled by the Remote Debugger (that I was discussing in the Root Cause, in this post).
To debug your application, as 32 Bit Application, goto Project | Properties | Set Platform Target to ‘x86′
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