Powershell Commands VS Stsadm Tool in SharePoint 2013

In this blog, I will discuss  an interesting topic which is more related to SharePoint administrators. Powershell commands is most used among the SharePoint administrators nowadays around the globe. This makes me to thing about why Powershell is more popular than STSADM tool. 
Both STSADM and Powershell can be used to administer the SharePoint environment. I gathered few key points that differentiates between them and I m happy to share those key takeaways below.
  1.  It is nothing but a Command Line tool which is more prevalent in SharePoint 2007 and slowly depreciating.
  2. Excecuting STSADM commands always return String Values.
  3. Looping is not Possible.
  4. Accessing Files in the file server and registry operations are not supported.
  1. Next Generation Microsoft Scripting language.
  2. Executing Powershell Commands always returns .Net Objects. This features really improves the performance since all the SPList, SPweb objects are .Net Objects inturn.
  3. Looping, Multiple executions are Possible being a Scripting Language.
  4. We can easily play around with system registry as well.
 Happy SharePointing :-)
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