Query Rules In SharePoint 2013

Query rules are a new feature in SharePoint Server 2013 that enable the query engine to act on what it interprets or infers about the query intent. Query rules have replaced search keywords, which have been deprecated. The difference between the two is that query rules return results that may be relevant to the user query, whereas search keywords promote only one specific result set. Query rules, which execute at the site collection level, can enable a single user search request to trigger multiple queries and, therefore, multiple results sets. Query rules are a function of a site collection Search configuration, which is found on the Site Settings page. A Query rule is made up of three components:
Query condition

This defines the context in which the query becomes active, such as when a query:
  • Contains a specific word or words.
  • Contains a word that is specific to a dictionary.
  • Contains an action word that matches a specific phrase or term set.
  • Is common in a different source.
  • Results include a common result type. 

Query action

This defines the action that should occur when a condition is met. These actions include:
Assigning a promoted result (similar to a Best Bet in SharePoint Server 2010).

  • Creating and displaying a result block.
  • Changing the query that returns the core results.
Publishing option

This decides when a query is used. This is particularly useful in commerce sites, because the publishing options can set a time period on when a rule is available, such as special offer events or sales. There are several query rules available out-of-the-box with SharePoint 2013. In an environment that is upgrading from SharePoint Server 2010, SharePoint Server 2013 automatically migrates all search keywords to query rules.
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