Reducing the time of Debugging a Web Application in Visual Studio 2010

Recently I started a new web Application and after coding when I am trying to run the application through Visual Studio 2010 it's taking me nearly 5 - 10 minutes depending on the size of the application. I thought too many files are loading when started but when I started researching I came to know that it is due to the downloading symbol files to the temporary location.
For this I found two solutions first solution is silly and recommended but I will mention why.
Solution 1: As my default browser is Internet Explorer, uncheck “Delete Browsing History on Exit” in the Internet Options window as shown below.

For the first time the symbols are loaded by the browser will be used for next debug of the same application.
The problem with this solution is if you have any changes in the script or css files then it won't refresh with the latest one instead it will use same old one which it stored at the time of loading symbols.
Solution 2: This is the best solution and simple solution. Open visual studio 2010.
Go to Tools -> Options-> Debugging->General and check “Enable Just My Code(Managed only)”.
That's it your problem solved and no need to wait all the time for every Run.
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