A time to slam down a huge jolt of caffeine,
and a time to sip it slowly over the course of an hour.
A time to save state in object instances,
and a time to make them stateless.
A time for bullet-proofing your code
and a time for taking short cuts.
A time to listen to Clippy
and a time to shoot him in the head.
A time to play Solitaire at meetings,
and a time to pay attention to the speaker
A time for bullet points
and a time to ditch PowerPoint
A time to chase the cat off your laptop keyboard,
and a time to use your desktop and let her sleep.
A time to hold up delivery until you can fix a particular feature,
a time to chop out the entire feature because you can't fix it and need to make the ship date,
and a time to just ship the damn thing.
A time to put your user first
and not stroke your own ego.
A time to work until two in the morning,
and a time to go home and appreciate still having a family.
A time to read brilliant columns,
and a time to quit goofing off and get back to work already.
That's now. JJJJJJJJJ