Stream I/O Operation: Part II


About Classes used - 

#1: StreamReader class provides an access to read the data from Stream such as Text File.

#2: StreamWriter class provides an access to write the data from Stream such as Text File. 

Namespace Required         -           System.IO, System.Diagnostics

Controls Used           -          

            1. TextBox Control (txtOutput)

          2. ListBox Control (lbInput)

          2. Button Control (btnCopy, btnInputFile)

Here I implemented the Code for converting multiple Text Documents into single Text Document.        

The Code:

1. Variable Declarations

StreamReader rdr;   //StreamReader Object for Reading File

StreamWriter wrt;   //StreamWriter Object for Writing File

Listing 1

 2. Select the Input Text Files (code for “Select Input Files” Button).           

using (OpenFileDialog file = new OpenFileDialog())
    file.Filter = "Only Text Documents|*.txt";
    //Allow to select multiple files
    file.Multiselect = true;
    //Show the Dialog Box & Select the Files
    //Add the selected File Names to ListBox

Listing 2

3. Copy Data from Multiple Text Files to Single Text File (code for “Copy All” Button). 

//Output File
wrt = new StreamWriter(txtOutput.Text, false);
//Copy All Data From Input file to Output file
foreach (String var in lbInput.Items)
    //Input File
    rdr = new StreamReader(var);
    //Start of New File
    wrt.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine +
                  "File Name : " + var + Environment.NewLine);
    //Copy the Content of Input File(s) to Output File
//Close the StreamWriter instance
MessageBox.Show("File Copied Successfully....");
//Open the Output file

Listing 3

4. Now execute the Application and see the result (Figure 1).     

Intended Result:


Figure 1


In this piece of writing, using C# environment, we have seen basic stream input/output operation for copying multiple text files to single text file using StreamWriter & StreamReader classes.

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