There are some useful command to help fetch the records from mysql database.
Retrieving Individual Columns
If we want to execute the following SQL statement using mysql command and the output is
shown as.
mysql> select first_name from students;
Retrieving Multiple Columns
Now we will try to a another simple select statement, this time on the products
table. We can retrieve the values from two columns in the same query by
specifying a list of columns after the SELECT keyword, separating them with a
mysql> select last_name,street from students;
Retrieving All Columns
When we have to retrieve the data from every column in a table, we do not need
to specify each column name after the SELECT keyword. Use the asterisk character
(*) in place of a column list in a SELECT statement to instruct MySQL to return
every column from the specified table.
The following query retrieves every column and row from the products table.
mysql> select * from students;
Note : The output produced is exactly the same, as if we had specified
each column in the query by name, like this.
mysql> SELECT code, name, weight, price FROM products;