Use Indexer In C# Language


Indexer is similar to a property, which is allows an object to be indexed like an array. If you define an indexer for a class, then this class behaves like a virtual array, and you can access  the object of this class using the array operator. Indexer are not defined with names, but you can use this keyword, which refers to the object  instance . Show in Example.   


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;


namespace use_indexer_in_c_sharp


    class use_Index             // create class


        private string[] List = new string[size];  //define member

        static public int size = 8;

        public use_Index()        //create constructor


            for (int a = 0; a < size; a++)  // provide value of list

                List[a] = "Not Available";


        public string this[int index]   // define index property




                string var;


                if (index >= 0 && index <= size - 1)


                    var = List[index];




                    var = "";



                return (var);




                if (index >= 0 && index <= size - 1)


                    List[index] = value;





        static void Main(string[] args)


            use_Index Name = new use_Index(); // create object of class

            Name[0] = "Nitin";

            Name[1] = "Arvind";

            Name[2] = "Arshad";

            Name[3] = "deepak";

            Console.WriteLine("List of Name:");


            for (int b = 0; b <use_Index.size; b++)


                Console.WriteLine(Name[b]);   //show value of List








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