Visual Studio 2010 and Dot Net Framework 4.0

This is continuation of my series on Dot Net Framework 4.0, Dublin, Visual Studio 2010…
On 29th Sep 2008 Microsoft announced release of Visual Studio 2010 and the Framework 4.0, the main aim behind release of these products is to target new trends such as cloud computing , SOA, application life cycle management etc.

The Visual Studio Team System 2010 is code named as “Rosaria”, complete details about the product is not yet released by the Microsoft, we can expect lots of new information about Visual Studio 2010 and Dot Net Framework 4.0 in coming days.

One of the cool features of Visual Studio 2010 is the support for cloud development with Windows Azur tool for Visual Studio 2010. Windows Azur is the new cloud service, Windows Azur allows developer with on demand compute and storage to host web application on the internet through Microsoft data center. (I will explain Windows Azur in my forthcoming blog).

There are lots of changes compared to Visual Studio 2008 in Visual Studio 2010..

Now Visual Studio 2010 is fully supported by Silverlight. JavaScript InelliSense engine is completely enhanced. Visual Studio Team Suite for Architecture allows users to define their business processes very easily.

A person who has very little knowledge on technology side can easily design their business process graphically. VSTS 2010 for Architecture supports both UML and Domain Specific Language (DSL) such as “M” which can be used with Microsoft’s “Oslo” model.

There are lots of new testing feature included in the new release of Visual Studio 2010. And even lots of enhancement in Team Foundation Server (TFS), now with new version of TFS it’s easy to trace and track work more easily

There are lots of things which still need to be explained, which I will do in my forthcoming blog…

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