Why React Native has witnessed a Huge Success in a Short While?

Why has React Native made a buzz in the software world? What’s the big deal about this framework that is not even a decade old? What’s the reason that the demand for every React Native app development company across the globe has significantly risen?

Well, if one is looking for a platform that is smart, smooth, user-friendly, cost-effective, and allows composing of feature-rich applications, React Native is the ideal solution. So in this article, we’ll first have a glance at the origins of React Native. Then we will discuss the top reasons behind the growing popularity of React Native development and know why it is worthy of increasingly being used in diverse software development projects.

The Origin of React Native Framework

While working on the Facebook app, Jordan Walke, a software engineer there, designed a robust framework to cope up with technical limitations and the app and to meet the growing expectations of the end-users. This framework could also support languages like JavaScript, HTML, etc.

Also, if React is a JavaScript library shaped on flux patterns to provide a high-performing UI, React Native took a step further. It could utilize React like syntax but it is basically a stand-alone framework that makes use of a specific platform’s native APIs for rendering some code components. This process ultimately leads to speedy and low-cost development. Not only mobile app development but React Native’s component-based structure also makes it accessible to web developers. Also, the developers don’t need to have the knowledge of React for using React Native. If one has a grasp on platform APIs, vanilla JavaScript, mobile design patterns, etc then the developer can easily start using this framework.

Top Reasons why React Native development is Widely Adopted

Owing to the myriad benefits React Native offers, it has already been used by famous giants like Instagram, Skype, Airbnb, Tencent QQ, SoundCloud Pulse, Tesla, Walmart, UberEats, Baidu Mobile, and many more. So here we have outlined some of the top benefits it offers to the ones using it.

Cross-platform Functionality: This framework allows developing a single code and using it on multiple platforms, thus providing cross-platform functionality. React Native enables code sharing of about 96% codes with additional API integrations. Due to this, it eliminates the need to know Swift for iOS development or Android-specific Java language; thus saving time and effort.

Native-like Performance and UI: This technology makes use of native modules and components which leads to the development of natively rendering apps. As a result, these apps have performance and UI close to native apps.

High Efficiency at Minimal Costs: Due to the features like code reusability, ‘hot reload’ feature, declarative coding style, etc. the development process becomes faster and quite efficient while ensuring cost-effectiveness.

Flawless API Integration: Since this framework comes with the feature of using components, it is much easier to fetch data from the APIs. For instance, if one wants to integrate the ‘Google Maps’ feature in the app, React Native allows linking of the plugin with the Native module, thus allowing easy customization of the app.

Easy Learning Curve: With the basic knowledge in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, even a new developer can start working on React Native. They can simply Google the components that need to be used and work accordingly. Since JavaScript is known to many, one can easily learn React Native too.

Ease of Code Transition: This framework allows easy transition of the code from React to Native code and vice-versa without much hassle. This is so because with some caution, React Native easily aligns with native platform conventions.

The Downsides of React Native Development in Brief

Though it is a successful and highly beneficial technology, yet it has its share of quirks. Let’s explore them:

· Although this framework has been in the market for more than 5 years now and is one of the highly engineered frameworks, many bugs are found while coding, and several other issues are faced.

· The React Native developers quite often face package incompatibility issues.

· Also, the custom module ecosystem of React Native is still quite small and several modules are still in their beta versions.

· Security is low in comparison to native apps as JavaScript bases libraries are used.

· Since the framework is owned by Facebook, there are rare chances that Facebook may someday end this project and a plethora of apps built using this technology may get closed or not function up to the mark.


We have seen how React Native has become a winning choice for developing high-performing native-like apps. Despite being a comparatively younger technology, it is being widely used in commercial projects. Many tech-Gurus and technology enthusiasts even claim that this framework has a dazzling future and will soon dominate the software development world.

Now, don’t you think this framework is worth the hype? Let us know your thoughts on this.

If you want to leverage React Native for your next project, get in touch with Biz4Solutions, a world-class React Native App development company, based in Texas. You may drop us a line at [email protected] for any details. 
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