Learn Advance of XML

Learn Advance of XML

Priyanshu Agnihotri


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  • Pages 78
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TODAY, Mobile and Web applications have taken over the programming world. No matter where you go, you are always consuming data with your smartphone, tablet or laptop. Data is being transferred from one place to another, from one hardware device to another and from one person to another. Do you ever wonder how this data is being transferred and consumed? Do you wonder what technology is being used to do so? You can blame XML for that. Well, partially at least!

The Extensible Markup Language (XML) has become an essential part of Web-based and mobile programming. XML is not only a way to store data but also a data transfer mechanism.

This book is a basic introduction to XML for beginners who have never used XML before. After completing this book, you will understand:

  • Basic definitions of HTML and XML
  • XML documents
  • How to build an XML document
  • XML document items

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