I just need a simple straight foward example of how to add an Image to the Local DB database in an ASP.NET MVC app with Identity. I just want a scaffolded Strain class veiws with create delete edit. I know that I need to add a byte StrainImage in my strain class but from this point I am unsure how to procede.
public class Strain
public string StrainId {get; set; }
public string StrainName {get; set; }
public byte[] StrainImage {get; set; }
From this point I am not sure what to add the the Strain Controller Post Method
I know that I need to open up use a HTTPPOSTEDFILEBASE , and open up a byte stream with a new stream reader.
Do I need to go as far as creating a StrainVeiwModel and a StrainDataContex
Could someone please help.