
adding multiple values using insert query

sarbjeet singh

sarbjeet singh

hi guys,

plz help

i have one table of employee registration containing fields like s_no,level,name ...etc

i have completed the registration

the values for level column will be 1,2,3....20.

but now i have to give some award every month to these employees

and for that i have another table where i have s_no,month,year,amount

now i just want to select all the s_no from  1st table and belonging to the respective level and assign some money to every employee belonging to respective level.
for example i have a dropdownlist containing levels 1 to 20
when admin will select the level,for example 1 ,at that moment i will select all the s_no belongs to level 1

now the main work

and the admin will enter the amount fir level one in a textbox

now i want to insert all s_no's of level 1 with amount in another table

plz tell me how to do this

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