
AJAX Calender Issue

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suresh s

suresh s


Dear Friends:

I need ur support  for the following Problem

1) I am using AJAX Calendar.The issue is there is Two fields  i) start Date ii) End Date

if i have selected Start Date as 10-Feb-2009 ,then going to End Date the calender has to show
the Month Feb meaning that The day,Month,Year from 10 Feb 2009 should be active ex :10-Feb-2009 to 2010,2011.....(should be active).

At the same time the day ,month ,year before 10 Feb  2009 should be deactivated ex. 9-Feb-2009 to 2008,2007.....

ii) Before selecting StartDate user should not select End Date if they do so ,Pop Message has to show that  "Please select Start Date Before selecting End Date."

Can any one solve this issue.We can use Javascript Calendar also instead of AJAX Calender.


Thanks :
