
Asp Chart Horizontal scroll

I have Asp Chart(Line Chart) in my webpage.I plot the line Using Some data .I want to set a scroll view to my chart .But I have no idea about how to set the view. suggest some ideas.
  1. <asp:Chart ID="Chart1" runat="server" Width="1272px" Height="800px"   
  2.               onload="Chart1_Load">  
  3.                    <Legends>  
  4.                     <asp:Legend  Name="Legend1">  
  5.                      </asp:Legend>  
  6.                    </Legends>  
  7.             <Series>  
  8.                 <asp:Series Name="Series1" ChartType="Line" XValueMember="TIME" ToolTip="Time: #VALX No of License Used #VALY"  
  9.                     YValueMembers="IN USE">  
  10.                  </asp:Series>  
  11.              </Series>  
  12.             <ChartAreas>  
  13.                 <asp:ChartArea Name="ChartArea1">  
  15.                  <AxisX Title="Time" Minimum="1" Maximum="24" Interval="1">  
  16.                    <MajorGrid LineWidth="0" />  
  17.                  </AxisX>  
  18.                  <AxisY Title="No of License" Minimum="0" Maximum="30" Interval="2">  
  19.                   <MajorGrid LineWidth="0" />  
  20.                  </AxisY>  
  21.                 </asp:ChartArea>  
  22.             </ChartAreas>  
  23.         </asp:Chart>  
Answers (3)