This is a continuation of the thread Inconsistent accessibility program is given in the following website. tell me how to complete this program to get the output.using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security.Permissions;
[assembly: AssemblyVersionAttribute("1.0.2000.0")]
public class Example
private int factor;
public Example(int f)
factor = f;
public int SampleMethod(int x)
Console.WriteLine("\nExample.SampleMethod({0}) executes.", x);
return x * factor;
public static void Main()
Assembly assem = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
Console.WriteLine("Assembly Full Name:");
// The AssemblyName type can be used to parse the full name.
AssemblyName assemName = assem.GetName();
Console.WriteLine("\nName: {0}", assemName.Name);
Console.WriteLine("Version: {0}.{1}",
assemName.Version.Major, assemName.Version.Minor);
Console.WriteLine("\nAssembly CodeBase:");
// Create an object from the assembly, passing in the correct number
// and type of arguments for the constructor.
Object o = assem.CreateInstance("Example", false,
null, new Object[] { 2 }, null, null);
// Make a late-bound call to an instance method of the object.
MethodInfo m = assem.GetType("Example").GetMethod("SampleMethod");
Object ret = m.Invoke(o, new Object[] { 42 });
Console.WriteLine("SampleMethod returned {0}.", ret);
Console.WriteLine("\nAssembly entry point:");
/* This code example produces output similar to the following:Assembly Full Name:source, Version=1.0.2000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=nullName: sourceVersion: 1.0Assembly CodeBase:file:///C:/sdtree/AssemblyClass/cs/source.exeExample.SampleMethod(42) executes.SampleMethod returned 84.Assembly entry point:Void Main() */