
Assigning sql query data values in kendo pivotgrid

Mainak Datta

Mainak Datta

Jun 23 2015 7:19 AM
Trying assigning the BrandID and BrandName, these two columns values into kendo mvc pivotgrid. But values are not getting displayed. Where I am doing wrong? Please help.
public class HomeController : Controller
string commString = "";
public HomeController()
FWUtility.connString = "Data Source = DEVELOPER1; Initial Catalog = FR8DemoDB; uid=**; pwd=***;";
public ActionResult Index()
commString = "select BrandID, BrandName from BrandMaster order by BrandName";
List<BrandMaster> listBrandMaster = FWUtility.GetList<BrandMaster>(FWUtility.GetDataTable(commString));
return View(listBrandMaster);
public class BrandMaster
public string BrandID { get; set; }
public string BrandName { get; set; }

This is my controller.
The following is my view.
@using Kendo.Mvc.UI
@using System.Data;
@using KendoPivotGrid.Controllers;
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
.Transport(transport => transport.Read("Index", "Home"))
.Schema(schema => schema
.Cube(cube => cube
.Dimensions(dimensions =>
.Add(model => model.BrandName).Caption("All Brands");
//.Measures(measures => measures.Add("Brands Count")
.Field(model => model.BrandID)
.AggregateName("count")) ))
.Columns(columns =>
.Add("BrandName").Expand(true); })
.Rows(rows => rows.Add("BrandName")
//.Measures(measures => measures.Values("Brands Count")) ) )