
Automatically resizing all the Child-Controls when the Form's font changed



Hi, I have a Windows Form with ListView, Label, TreeView and buttons as the controls. All the child controls do not set Font property explicitely but takes it from Form. This Form is instantiated by another class and ShowDialog is called.To set the Font property of the Form to a bigger Font, I first tried to set it in the constructor. The Dialog and the Controls were too big.My dialog is a FixedBorder Dialog. Then I tried to set it in Form Load event. Now the size of the dialog is same, however the labels are partially visible. The Treeview size is not resized automatically. I need help to know which place would be better to set the Font of the Form at the run time to a bigger Font ? And also need your help to know how to resize and relocate the controls appropriately ? Need some example code in C#. Thanks in advance. SUBS