Beginner C# PictureBox question
I'm fairly new to C# and I have a question I'm hoping someone here can help me with.
I've mastered most of the basics of OOP, classes, inheritance, functions, etc. I'm trying to program a basic 'game' in a Windows Form where the player moves around the screen and dodges moving objects. I've gotten just about everything figured out, except that I can't get the image in a PictureBox to change on a particular event (like a KeyDown). Namely, I want the player graphic to change between facing left and right depending on which way the player is moving.
If anybody is able to give me some advice, or a good resource site to check out, I'd be most grateful. I would check through the Help files, but the school didn't bother installing them with the IDE, so I'm kind of stuck there.
Thank you for your time.