the book says: write a program that displays the following patterns seperately, one below the other. use for loops to generate the patterns. All stars should be printed by a single statement of the form Console.Write('*'); A statement of the form Console.WriteLine(); can be used to position the next line. A statement of the form Console.Write(' '); can be used to display spaces for the last two patterns. there should be no other output statements in the program.
here is my output...
the code i produced...
using System;
namespace ex5_7
class Class1
static void Main(string[] args)
//first right triangle of stars bottom left
for(int outer=1; outer<=10; outer++)
for(int inner=1; inner<=outer; inner++)
//second right triangle top left
for(int outer=10; outer>0; outer--)
for(int inner=1; outer>=inner; inner++)
//third right triangle top right
int noofstars = 10;
for(int outer=1; outer<=10; outer++, noofstars--)
for(int stars=noofstars; stars>0; stars--)
for(int space=1; space<=outer; space++)
Console.Write(" ");
//fourth right triange bottom right
for(int outer=10; outer>0; outer--, noofstars++)
for(int space=1; space=stars; stars++)
the next excercise asks...modify excercise 5.7 to combine your code from the four seperate triangles of asterisks into a single program that prints all four patterns side by side, making clever use of nested for loops.
i have started by writing down what i need to do in pseudo code which is bacically a sequential list of actions but i have no idea how to 'get off the ground' on this one, i would appreciate some feedback please. the problem is the the cursor gets drawn linearly and nested for loops work like car mileometers, i cant think how to make both work together...pls help
luigi hell knows how to format the text on this help to read