O.k. I'm trying to write a program for school. the code below (I'm not posting the whole program unless you need to see it) is giving me a format exception when it hits the deptarray line?? Any ideas why??? It's reading data in from a file. It looks just like the code that was in the teacher's example?? Any help would be appreciated as I"m pulling my hair out.
void ParseLineIn(string lineIn, uint i)
string[] words = new string[5];
lineIn = lineIn.Trim();
while (Regex.IsMatch(lineIn, "[ ] {2}"))
lineIn = lineIn.Replace(
" ", " ");
words = lineIn.Split(
' ');
lastNameArray[i] = words[0];
firstNameArray[i] = words[1];
deptArray[i] =
rateArray[i] =
hoursArray[i] =
static void InputEmployeeData()
uint i;
string lineIn;
i = 0;
while ((lineIn = fileIn.ReadLine()) != null)
ParseLineIn(lineIn, i);
numOfEmployees = i;