I'm trying to create a console application that will have 2 input values, one is from 10 to 200 the other an angel between 5 and 85.
I have to convert the angle to radians and then calculate the velocity in meters per second.
I'm having troubles getting the method that I want to convert the angle value input to call that value and convert it to radians.
This is my code so far.
Any help would be appreciated :)
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Write("\nEnter the velocity: ");
int iValue1 = GetInt(10, 200);
Console.Write("\nEnter the muzzle angle in degrees: ");
int iValue2 = GetInt(5, 85);
Console.Write("The shot will travel {0} meters.", dTotal);
private static int GetInt(int small, int large)
int iValue1 = 0;
int iValue2 = 0;
iValue1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
if ((iValue1 < small) || (iValue1 > large))
Console.WriteLine("The Value entered is out of range.\n");
Console.Write("Re-Enter the value: ");
catch (FormatException)
Console.WriteLine("An invalid number was input.\n");
Console.Write("Re-Enter the value: ");
catch (OverflowException)
Console.WriteLine("'An invalid number was input.\n");
Console.Write("Re-Enter the value: ");
while (!(iValue1 >= small) && (iValue1 <= large));
return iValue1 + iValue2;
private static double DegToRad()
//This will Convert Value2 to Radians (Value 2 * (Math.PI / 180))
private static double ShotDistance()
// Distance = (2 * (Value1)Squared * Cos (Converted Rads) * Sin (Converted Rads) / 9.81