
Calculate payroll process amount based on the Slabs

ramesh g

ramesh g


My scenario is, i have to calculate payroll process amount based on the Slabs....

(lbound          int
,ubound          int
,fixed_amount    decimal(10,0)
,variable_amount decimal(10,0)
INSERT INTO #slab VALUES (1,100,5000,0)
INSERT INTO #slab VALUES (101,200,0,40)
INSERT INTO #slab VALUES (201,300,0,30)
INSERT INTO #slab VALUES (301,400,0,20)

Declare @employees int
Set @employees=300

SELECT SUM(fixed_amount + (employees * variable_amount))
  SELECT CASE WHEN @employees > ubound THEN ubound ELSE @employees END + 1 - lbound AS employees
  ,      fixed_amount
  ,      variable_amount
  FROM #slab
  WHERE @employees >= lbound
) AS employees_per_slab

drop table #slab

Above mention query is properly working fine. But flowing insert query I included  'exclude'  keyword . So how to change procedure..

The amount should get calculated with respect to slab defined for it....

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Tbl_Slab](
[MinRange] [bigint] NULL,
[MaxRange] [bigint] NULL,
[Baserate] [decimal](10,2)NULL,
[perrecord] [decimal] (10,2)NULL,
[Condition] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL)

    insert into Tbl_Slab values(1,100,1500,0,'')
    insert into Tbl_Slab values(101,200,0,50,'')
    insert into Tbl_Slab values(201,300,5000,30,'exclude')
    insert into Tbl_Slab values (301,400,0,20,'')

Calculation part:

1. To calculate payroll for 150 employees when the codition is ''. The result is 

1500->for 100 employee basic amount

50*50->another 50 employee and 50Rs per employee.
Total Amount:4000

2. To calculate payroll for 250 employees when the codition is 'exclude'. If the condition is exclude then it should ignore the previous slabs and the result is 
5000-> the baserate
250*30->7500 = 5000+7500
Total Amount=12500

3. To calculate payroll for 350 employees when the codition is ''.The result is 
5000-> the baserate
300*30->9000 = 5000+9000


Total Amount=15000

How can i Achieve this using sql server....Kindly help...

Thanks and Regards,
Answers (1)