
Calendar Simulation

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Hi,i'm still new to C#.Net programming and i'm currently developing an electronic leave management system with ASP.net web pages and it's part of my companys' intranet. I'm faced with a task of displaying a month to month schedule of all booked days. The month display is supposed to be some sort of grid/table that has the users in my company as rows and the columns should equal the number of days in the selected month(say the months are selected from a combo or a tabstrip sort of thing). When a user has applied for leave in that month, that instance should be showed by somehow highlighting those days in the grid by a key pattern or colour code that represents a leave type (e.g study leave).I have sql database with the users tables and the requests table which capturers the leave applications (from dates and to dates and leave type etc) amongst others. I need help with how i approach this, do i need to use multidimensional matrices?? and datagrids?? Please can i get some help,hope i was descriptive enough. Urgent.