
Can't use dataSet.fill / Please help



Mar 20 2005 6:39 PM
Hey folks, I am trying to accomplish the following but am unable to use the dataSet.Fill as the ODBC connection I am using (TimesTen) does not support this function. *** All I am trying to do is *** connection = new OdbcConnection("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};"+ "DBQ=c:\\program files\\common files\\"+ "borland shared\\data\\dbdemos.mdb"); connection.Open(); dataadapter = new OdbcDataAdapter("select * from customer", connection); dataset = new DataSet(); dataadapter.Fill(dataset, "table1"); dataGrid1.DataSource = dataset; dataGrid1.DataMember = "table1"; *** end of code *** All I am trying to do is take a periodic snapshot of the data that exists in a particular table and display it in a dataGrid or list box. Is there some way I can populate the data in to a dataGrid without the use of a dataSet? Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you, Bob

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