Change the forecolor of an item in a repeater based on the status?
public string CompanyStatus(int iStatus)
string strCompanyStatus = string.Empty;
if (iStatus == 2 || iStatus == 3)
//foreach (RepeaterItem ri in rptCompanies.Items)
// if (((Label)ri.FindControl("RowStatus")).Value == '2')
// foreach (Control ctl in rptCompanies.Controls[iStatus].Controls)
// {
// if (!ctl.GetType().Equals(typeof(Label)))
// continue;
// ((Label)ctl).ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
// }
return "style='backGround-color:red'";
return strCompanyStatus = iStatus == 1 ? "Active" : "InActive";
<%# CompanyStatus((Int32)DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, ("RowStatus")))%>
This is basicaly what im looking for. if the status is 2 or 3, The forecolor of that item for the repeater must appear in red, and yes im newish :) . Using Visual 2010, C#, Windows 7.?