
Changing Table Adapter Connection string through code

roy roy

roy roy


I appreciate you help.

I am trying to set(change) the connection string of a data adapter through code.
For that , I created another partial class, and tried to override the this._connection property.


public override void InitConnection()


            this._connection = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection();

            this._connection.ConnectionString = ”my new connection string”


I keep on getting error:  “ 'HelperUtils.Dal.dsUtilsTableAdapters.tableAdapterlUTILS_Params' already defines a member called 'InitConnection' with the same parameter types  


If I’m using the method without the “override” keyword, it reports an error :
” Type 'HelperUtils.Dal.dsUtilsTableAdapters.tableAdapterlUTILS_Params' already defines a member called 'InitConnection' with the same parameter types”.


What method can I call?  How?

Thanks a lot Roy

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