
Check picturebox image?

Laurentiu Tudorascu

Laurentiu Tudorascu

Apr 25 2015 10:08 AM
Hi all!
I'm new here, this's my first post ever here.
I've got a question; I'm making a puzzle game and want to check if all puzzle pieces are in the right place; if they are, then the last piece would come on the last picturebox.
if ((pictureBox1.Image == Image.FromFile(@"2x2\1.jpg")) && (pictureBox2.Image == Image.FromFile(@"2x2\2.jpg")) && (pictureBox3.Image == Image.FromFile(@"2x2\3.jpg")))
   pictureBox4.Image = img4;
But nothing happens. Please help me, I need to finish this by the end of this weekend. 

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